Hi, I'm Shimona.
I’m a software engineer.
I like building good things with good people.
At Fitbit, I led a team that delivered beautiful, intuitive interfaces on our smartwatches and trackers. We worked closely with design teams to deliver the best user experience on ultra low-power, resource-constrained devices.
Prior to this, I’d worked at Texas Instruments and Qualcomm on cellphone chips. It was interesting times seeing the birth of the smartphone, but I found myself increasingly intrigued by how humans interact with technology and how good design plays into this.
In 2012, I decided to pursue an interdisciplinary Master’s degree in Embedded Systems and Human Computer Interaction at UCSD, which cemented my interest in User Focused Design and led to the job at Fitbit.
After 5 years at Fitbit, I was ready for a change and sold all my stuff, gave up my apartment and set off to travel the world.
Photography has always been a creative passion of mine, so I started publishing a travel photography website at Sidecar Photo. I also sell my work at Society6 and Noir Gallery.
You can contact me at my first name @ gmail.com.